Lost Like The Sound Of My Steps - Pens and washi tape on vintage LP cover.
Doodle on rocks. Art on rock!
#Aldo Shoes box #drawing :)
Custom converse shoes
Doodles with with flower
Repurposing my roomate's junk mail over breakfast.
Cardboards are the best canvases. Always recycle!
Dot art mandala
This is on my desk. I have an oversize calendar where I clean my bruches or doodle on it. It also becomes a conversation piece where I will frame it.
I meant to just write on the front with my sharpie but I liked how smooth it felt on the CD sooo.... I doodled it!
Mandala with doodle
Genie in the bottle baby!
Silhouette with doodle art
Abstract on an Acoustic Guitar
Metallic phone case painted w. Posca
Acrylic on a rock
Coffee cup and Sketchbook.
The Owl is a pencil-ink hand draw in a zentangle style
After Heronymous Bosch. Acrylic
Banana Moon
Fruit cannibalism #froodle
Spray paint, marker, and ink on wood cutout
Painted an old piece of wood that was laying around after a kitchen project.